The increasing occurrence of extreme weather events over the past few years has underscored the impact of climate change is having on our planet. As a developed city that has set itself a target of carbon neutrality by the year 2050, Hong Kong must do everything within its power to reduce its carbon emissions in order to contain the global temperature rise to below 1.5°C. Despite Hong Kong's potential to expand the use of renewable energy, the scarcity of the territory's land resources means that on top of fierce competition on the usage of every piece of land, owners are already maximising the utility of every square inch on their plot.

It is undeniable that cities have far-reaching impacts on every aspect of life. Currently, half of the world's population, around 4.5 billion people, living in cities around the world. Cities account for more than two-thirds of the world's economic production and three-quarters of global greenhouse gas emissions. As cities grow, the population will increase further, with the global urban population expected to reach 7 billion by 2050.....

The 15th session of the United Nation (UN) Biodiversity Conference (COP15) drew to a close in Montreal, Canada on 19 December 2022 after two weeks' negotiation.....

With the two-week COP27 drew to a close on 20 November 2022, commentators have begun to weigh up the loss and gain from the summit.
The biggest achievement of COP27 has to be the creation of the "loss and damage" fund. Hailed as a victory for countries most affected by climate crisis, the agreement to help them to deal with loss and damage was a real breakthrough. The deal is seen as a triumph for developing and small island countries after years of unsuccessful attempts to put the topic in the COP agenda.....

Hydrogen has been regarded as a low-carbon energy carrier in recent years. In the process of combating climate change and transitioning to a low-carbon economy, governments and energy companies around the world, upon spotting the potential of hydrogen, have committed to explore the possibilities of utilising hydrogen fuel and launched related development strategies. Such policies have attracted the attention of lobbyists in the industry, investors and governments , who hoped that hydrogen can become an alternative to fossil fuels.....

"I tend to partition my life into three compartments: childhood years in a remote village in the province of Henan in central China, schooling years in Hong Kong, and the years since I came to attend college in the United States," said Daniel Chee Tsui, the 1998 Nobel Laureate in Physics, in the autobiographical sketch published by the Nobel Foundation.…

Crowned as the "Father of Fibre Optics", "Father of Fibre Optic Communication" and "Godfather of Broadband", the 2009 "Nobel Laureate in Physics, Charles Kuen KAO is generally regarded as one of the most significant and influential contributors to engineering in modern times. His "groundbreaking achievements concerning the transmission of light in fibres for optical communication" was instrumental to the explosive development of the age of the Internet..…

Modern physics had its beginnings about a century ago with the birth of quantum mechanics. Over the past few decades, scientists have built on knowledge of electromagnetism to master the laws of the weak and strong interactions....